Despite frequent declarations to do otherwise, I have left my poor treadmill standing alone for months now. Untouched and unappreciated, it sat in the corner of my family room gathering dust and providing a constant reminder of my failing fitness efforts. I passed by it each day on my way out to the pool or patio, glanced at it behind me while working on the computer, stared at it guiltily through the kitchen window. Shameful, I know. I could hear it taunting me, reminding me of the money spent, promises made and broken...sigh..finally the nagging voices became too loud to tune out so I listened, and I responded.
For 25 minutes, long enough to watch an episode of Sex and the City, I worked that machine as well as my body, made them both come happily to life!
1.5 miles and 185 calories burned later, I'm a happy girl, filled with renewed energy and ready to tackle the day! I can't believe what a difference that half an hour makes and can kick myself for allowing exercise to fall by the wayside. There are no excuses, I simply got lazy and unmotivated. Period.
Ah, treadmill, my friend, I apologize for neglecting you for so long! I promise we'll be having daily dates from here on because you are oh-so-worth the effort.

I love it that you treadmilled whilst watching SATC! it's still my most fave show ever!!!! Well done you xxxx
ReplyDeleteLizzie, isn't SATC the BEST? Not only is it good distracting entertainment while working out, those skinny chicks inspire me to keep on walkin'! ;)