Monday, November 7, 2011

Thin at Any Cost?

Sigh..the lengths to which we will go in order to achieve thinness..these are old advertisements but is it really so different now? I don't think so. 

It seems that we will go to nearly any length to achieve the "perfect" body.

For example, I've been reading about this new HCG Diet and frankly, I'm sick over it. 

Seriously, are we so desperate to become thin that we are willing to inject pregnancy hormones into ourselves while starving our bodies on just 500 calories per day? You know, I'm all for becoming fit & healthy and would like to have a thinner body, but honestly, at what cost? And with what result? Do we all really need or look like the anorexic models & actresses glorified in the media?

Personally, I'd like to see more ads such as the one below..

How refreshing would that be?!

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