After a long absence, I dusted off my treadmill this morning (which also included lifting the 20 pound feline who's made it his bed) and hopped back on. I didn't want to, had all kinds of excuses not to, but then I remembered a game I played when I used to exercise consistently. It's called "walk for wine" and consists of staying on the treadmill or walking path until I am sure that I've burned enough calories to equal a glass of wine..or two. Now, you all know how much I enjoy my chardonnay yet I feel guilty indulging in empty calories so this is the perfect solution! No walking? Then no wine. Ha!
So I turned up my i-pod and kept in mind how lovely a nice cool glass of vino would taste during happy hour tonight...worked and walked and focused and before I knew it 30 minutes had passed and lookie here!

30 minutes, 1.7 miles = 212 calories burned, enough for 3 glasses of wine if I so choose! No saying I'm going to drink all three, but you know...just in case...wink..
Have a Beauty-Full Day,

Nice! I always equate my numbers with bread: there's my sandwich, burned on the elliptical!
ReplyDeletegood work! Whatever helps keep you motivated. I keep thinking about how a smaller waist will help me fit into some vintage dresses I always drool over on the internet -but never buy! Your solution is better - more about immediate gratification!
ReplyDeleteWHAT?!?! Bonus wine? A walk for wine surplus?!?! (clinkies) And technically you did not count the cat hoist. That's at least a healthy chunk of cheese to go with that secret 3rd glass :)
ReplyDeleteGO YOU!!!
ReplyDeletewhen we got our treadmill I immediately announced to my husband PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT LET ME US THIS AS A PLACE TO HANG MY FINE WASHABLES THAT DONT GO IN THE DRYER :)
ReplyDeleteI have been resisting this comment for a long time now. I did not want to come off as I know best kind of thing. Here it is; "The best way to take pounds off is to combine equally diet and exercise" not the kind of exercise like walking around the neighborhood everyday - NO - I mean getting on a treadmill, elliptical, or bike and SWEAT your butt off. Losing weight by managing your food intake is SO SO SO hard. Combining it with exercise will not only accelerate weight loss but allow more "opps" I had a bad day of eating setbacks.
I strongly recommend listening to your favorite music while you workout. It allows your brain to take its focus off the pain and monotony. I work out to the songs from the Rocky movies from time to time. It's funny I know but it increases my intensity – I mean that!
Good luck to you and keep that treadmill out!
I would also like for you to take the time and read my entire blog from start to finish. I truly believe that it will provide you strength when you may not have the desire to continue on your journey. I am in the final stages of achieving my goal of 55 pounds lost (7 pounds to go).
Good luck to you.
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ReplyDeleteLynda, as a fellow bread lover, I hear ya! I'd certainly walk a few more minutes for a croissant but that one is a definite no-no. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteOcupada...oooh, girl, you are so right! I bet I did work off a couple of extra calories with that cat lift! Presley is 20 pounds, after all. Poor dear must think that just lying on the treadmill will help work off that extra..um...fur. ;)
ReplyDeleteMizFit, lol, this is exactly why my treadmill is out in the open and not in my bedroom! ;)
ReplyDeleteReduce, Reuse and Rummage, I love your idea as well! I have a vintage black cocktail dress hanging in my closet which I've been dying to get into for years! Someday..I hope..
ReplyDeleteMisunderstood, thank you so much for the comment and advice, I do appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteNow, here's the thing, I agree with you that exercise is sooo important and definitely speeds up the weight loss, not to mention what it does for your mental state of mind. However, not everyone has access to a treadmill or other machine, we've gotta work with what we've got. I am fortunate enough to have a treadmill at home but before that purchase I was able to lose 20+ pounds just by diet and a good strong walk around the neighborhood. So, I don't want to dissuade readers into thinking that's not good enough. 30 minutes at a brisk pace around the neighborhood is just fine and can certainly produce results..in my humble opinion, of course. I need to believe this because I don't have a duplicate treadmill up here in Ormond so guess what I'll be relying on this afternoon? My own two feet and the park down at the end of the block. :)
You are absolutely correct. A walk around the neighborhood is an excellent thing (especially if you do not have access to work out equipment). Everyone needs to do what works for them. Thanks for listening to my comments and to anyone who had similar thoughts after reading my post - take what parts I said that are helpful and use them. I think it is important to take my comments in context of my journey - I have very specific time goals as well as weight goals. Accelerated weight loss is important to me at this time. To all people losing weight – it is tricky and do what works for you. Anything you do that is healthy your body will love you for it!
ReplyDeleteMisunderstood, I love reading your blog, and so appreciate your comments here on mine. I am very open-minded and certainly not an expert on this subject..grin..I agree, do what works for you and then share it with the world!
ReplyDeleteI applaud you you for making the association between enjoyment and sacrifice. I further applaud you for taking action. I will offer one more round of applause; for not doing the treadmill and drinking the wine simultaneously as I so often do.
ReplyDeleteHow about wine in the water bottle, as you use the treadmill.. I need to try that with a light beer. Motivation, here i come...
ReplyDeleteEmergefit, you & Allan think alike, lol!
ReplyDeleteI am not the most coordinated person in the world..ahem..and I would surely find my fat derriere sprawled on the floor next to the treadmill should I try to combine drinking & walking. Not a good combination, but heck if it works for you guys..just please share pic. ;)
Will Walk For Wine.....I LOVE this! And will steal it shamelessly. :)
ReplyDeleteGingerella, you are welcome to do so, my dear! xoxoox