I've been struggling a bit, dear readers, seemingly unable to put my fork down and pick myself up off the couch. Other than regular daily activity, I've done very little in the way of exercise. I've been eating everything in sight, consuming too many empty (white) calories and too few fruits & veggies. I could give a list of reasons (stress, worry, life changes) but really, there's no excuse. Starting today, I decided to finish off what JC I have on hand and go back to WW online. I know, I know, you've heard it all before and I don't blame you for the eye-rolling. But honestly, after a lot of soul-searching (and a good hard look at my financial budget) it's the smartest decision, the best path for me to take for the rest of my journey.
The scale this morning read 157.8, about a 4 pound gain from my lowest point a few months ago. I'm still (barely) under 160 and that's the magic number, my wake-up call. My jeans are a little snug and I'm not as comfortable in my skin, time to to wake up and smell the coffee.
Because I tend to overindulge on the weekends, I changed my official weigh-in day to Monday. I'm hoping that this a) keep me accountable and b) allow me to save those extra POINTS+ for the times when I really need them.
Today has been fairly easy so far but I do have to remind myself to bulk up on the (free) veggies & fruit and to avoid the higher POINTS+ snacky food. Beren took me out to lunch, a rare occurrence on a weekday, and watching him devour a Ruben sandwich & french fries was not easy, but I made myself stick with the turkey burger and steamed broccoli. It was still higher POINTS+ meal than I would've eaten at home but I did the best I could and am pleased with it. I'll make a lower POINTS+ dinner tonight to compensate.
Hope you're all doing well, thank you for hanging in there with me.