Yesterday Beren and I decided to take the jet ski out for a little ride around the ocean so we loaded it up on the trailer, got it into the water and away we went..about a yard from the dock we noticed that something was wrong. The jet ski felt heavy & sluggish, difficult to steer and balance. Beren turned around quickly, headed back to the dock but only made it halfway there before tipping us over. *giggle* Soaking wet, we managed to get the little boat back on the trailer at which point Beren discovered that he had forgotten to close the plugs on the back, therefore letting in gallons of water. Oops! No wonder we were sinking! Ah, well, stuff happens, plans change. Back at home, we had lunch and decided we'd head down to Main Street for some live music and a cocktail. We hopped in the car and quickly discovered that something was wrong with the clutch...it had been acting up for a while but Beren was nursing it along, hoping for a car repair reprieve. No such luck. So...instead of heading home last night, we spent another night and today will find a mechanic who'll hopefully make the necessary repairs and get us back on the road. Is it awful that I was more-than-slightly happy about being near the beach for one more day? *grin* What a terrible hardship, right?
In other news, I did pretty well eating-wise this weekend. Other than a small serving of Beren's irresistible homemade french fries, I stuck to my plan and didn't feel terribly deprived. We tend to eat more simply here when it's just the two of us, fewer recipes and kid-friendly dishes, more grilling and fresh vegetables. Unfortunately this one good weekend did not affect the scale..I'm ashamed to admit that the number this morning read 172.4. Never in my life did I think I would be this heavy, don't even think I reached that weight when pregnant. I'm disgusted over it but not going to sit around and whine, that doesn't do any good. I just need to take action.
Have a Beauty-Full Day,

Gotta plug before you ride, learned that lesson the hard way myself once. Good for you for being disgusted and committing to take action. For so many year I got disgusted and took action by ordering a pizza. What was I thinking? Go gett'em Rapunzel
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for a bit now and take comfort in the fact that we have all been there (I mean on the scale and saying wow how did it ever get that way). The wonderful thing about our minds (the most powerful super computer known to man) is that it is powerful enough to keep you on the right track. You must want to and no matter what anybody says to you - you must want to do this thing. It is truly a life goal not just a weight goal. Weight goals fail like vista and fall like snowflakes in January in Michigan! My life goal was to be a healthier person inside and out… I took many more measures than just my eating and working out. It is working for me. You must find what works for you but if you desire that pin-up a life goal is needed and I know you know that. Much strength and endurance I wish for you! Onward!
ReplyDeleteMisunderstood, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I know you're right. I know that I have to want the healthy body more than I want the immediate gratification of food. I can do this, I know I can.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Patrick. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome. :-)
ReplyDeleteRemember - you are your greatest ally.
I absolutely LOVE your blog. You are so funny and real. I like that in a person. :) I stumbled upon your site via the Lady Bloggers Society (and am so glad I did). Blogging is new to me. My blog is a little over a month old, but I have been having a blast with it. I have bookmarked your site and will visit often.
ReplyDeleteHere's mine:
Hope you drop by to say hi.
Allie, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words! Yours is fabulous as well, just added you to my regular reading! xoxooxox